Thursday, May 03, 2007

Visit with the duckies

Gage and I decided to head outdoors this weekend because the weather was just so cooperative. We ended up getting some leftover pound cake from Starbucks and went to Nassau Bay to visit all of the ducks. What I didn't prepare for was the agressive family of ducks. These fowl (pun intended) creatures started to creep up onto us when they saw us with a bag of goodies.

With one of the ducks bigger than Gage, I placed him on the bench by the lake and sat right next to him, so that he would at least have some elevation. Being naive and everything, I actually thought this would protect the little fella. After we threw out a couple of pieces of the pound cake, the whole flock started to walk towards us. It was like a scene out of a zombie movie, except with a bunch of waddling ducks rather than dead people. One in particular, who had about 6 inches on Gage, started to make a bee line right towards us, and it was at that point I decided to make a quick exit with the little man on my shoulders.

The scary part was that the duck started to follow us towards the car. As I was strapping Gage into car seat, I kept on pearing over the edge just in case that duck got too close. I felt like I was in a movie, where the bad guy's coming after you and the car (carseat, in this case) won't cooperate right. I almost threw the remaining pound cake in another direction to distract him, but I got the little man strapped in and we took off. I just don't ever remember ducks ever being so aggressive...

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