Monday, May 07, 2007

New Bedroom Furniture, Part II

Well, we finally got the bedroom furniture delivered and setup this weekend. In an age where most people refuse to pay for shipping, if you purchase a minimum amount of goods, I wasn't too happy with the cost to just deliver the furniture to the second floor of the house. The cost was over a hundred dollars and that didn't even include assembly. I was up until 3 am in the morning putting together the bunk bed...

So now, we have it all setup, except for the mattresses. I just don't remember my parents ever agonizing over distance between coils, padding, hypoalergenic materials, etc, when they bought my twin sized mattress when I was a kid.
The experts say that it will cost approximatley $250,000 over the course of their eighteen years at home. In my two short years, as a parent, I think the experts are way off! A quarter million won't even cover college, let alone the expenses you incur as a new parent. Regardless, I'm sure the all decisions about the quality of wood, allergenic properties of a mattress and the "best" paint type (Consumer Reports is hardly ever wrong) are incremental enough to add up to something significant.
Oh, by the way, having a new house means that you become fanantical about HGTV. Nothing beats Design on a Dime! Even if you're never selected for these shows, no matter how many sign up for it online, at least it was nice to see family being selected to appear on the show. Dejim and Tran - the bathroom looks nice.
Happy Monday All!

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