Monday, July 09, 2007

The first day...

One of the most obvious facts about grownups to a child is that they have forgotten what it is like to be a child. -- Randall Jarrell

Today was Day 1 in getting Gage into daycare. As anticipated, Gage realized about 3 minutes into it that we were leaving him there for the day. It's a good thing Xuan was holding him, because yours truly was starting to rethink the whole idea. As Gage started to cry, I started started to... really feel bad for the little man. The quote at the top helped me somewhat remember just how difficult it was for me to adapt to the changes I had to go through as a child. I've never been a big fan of change so I could understand what he was going through. I know that this is a good thing and the crying will soon pass and Gage will just flourish. I'm sure of it.

Well, it's now just about time to go to sleep, but I wanted to add that Gage did amazingly well in his first day at daycare. I couldn't have been more impressed with his behavior because he acted so incredibly grown up. Day 2 will be easier...

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