Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monkey see...

Monkey see...
Originally uploaded by sheilmakan
As if being a parent isn't hard enough, we have to become upstanding citizens as well. New parents will learn very quickly that children watch those around them very closely and learn through their actions.

As you can see, Gage is more than familiar with the workings of a camera and has even on many occasions posed and asked for pictures to be taken. Fortunately, the camera he's holding doesn't work anymore, so it's become his new playtoy. However, it took him a total of 30 seconds to realize that it doesn't work anymore and he began asking to play with the one I'm currently using. Rather than just saying no, I usually get him to sit on my lap and allow him to take pictures of the world around him. It satisfies him, in the meantime, I get to keep my camera functioning for another day.

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