Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Morning

Gage, like usual, wakes up early whenever he doesn't have to go to school. However, it's a struggle getting him to open his eyes whenever I have to dress him for school, hmmmm.....

Since both the wife and her sister had not woken up yet, I entertained him for a while and kept him away from all of the presents under the Christmas tree.

After nearly two hours of distracting the kiddo, he took off and ran into the tree room and jumped on the couch. At first, he didn't really notice anything, but then turned towards the tree and said "Wow, look at the presents daddy!" At that point, the wife was still getting ready, so I had to further distract him and told him to run to mom and tell her about the presents. He jumps off the couch and runs over to our master bathroom and tells the wife "Xuanie, Santa came and brought presents! Come look!!!! Hurry!!!!"

If there's one memoryI don't want to forget, it was the look on his face.

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