Thursday, August 02, 2007

Potty Training

Already at 28 months old, we've been trying to get Gage to start potty training, but have been relatively unsuccessful. However, on Monday, the daycare teacher put him in his first new pair of Elmo underpants without a fuss. He went the whole day without wetting his underpants, and even surprised the teacher by going potty when the urge to poo came around, all by himself. The only accident he had that day was during playtime and he just forgot to go. With it being Thursday already, I can say that he's maybe had one accident a day, but realizes that it's happening, and we usually rush to the bathroom to finish up.

Now, we still use pullups at night, but we're going to start transitioning out of those by next week, which should give us time to buy some waterproof mattress covers. I must say, all those books about potty parties, treats, balloons, etc... being used to incentivize the kid should just urge parents to put their kids in big boy underwear and allow them to realize that it doesn't feel good to walk around in dirty underpants.

The one funny thing that's come out of this is that Xuan decided to give Gage my Biography of Mahatma Gandhi while he was taking care of business and I took a few pictures. (I have some pictures andNow, whenever he feels the urge, he goes around yelling "Mata Gandhi, Mata Gandhi."

Nice going Xuan.